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Monday, May 25, 2020

[Part. 2][Test][Command of Block Z] Synchronization!

(a) xxxxXxxxXX < 41311

(b) xxxXXXXxx < 311112

(c) xxxxxXXxxx < 5113

(d) xxxxxxXXX < 6111

(e) XxxxXXXXx < 1311111

(f) XXXXXxxxX < 1111131

(g) xxxxxXxxXx < 51211

(h) xXXXxxxXx < 1111311

x ⊢ y (propositional logic, first-order logic; significa y permite ser provado a partir de x)

∑ {x ⊢ y}

∑ {a < b}{b<a} | Loop of Commands


(a) 41311
                 > Command (b) It bears no time resemblance to (a)

(b) 311112

* We can notice that block (B) is a block of 9 characters and Block (A) is 10; But Block (B) can lengthen time by being larger in numbering than Block A.

What else does that change?

Everything, the human being, also has time-synchronized mental commands.


By J. Pedro M. Filho 25/05 2020